Sunday, November 16, 2008


Photoshop in real life.
That's all for today.
Via here.

7. Pinko

I really must stop listening to slut music. But today I am one step closer to transforming into an SBC. Happy happy.

Meanwhile, something actually CUTE from me.

Actually this is more for SBC1 than myself, cos I'm not camera crazy.

Actually, after viewing the product description and photos these 2 produce, I would like one too.

Click me and me.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

6. Tokyo!

Caught this quirky gem of a movie at Cathay Cine on Friday. Tokyo! is a collective of three movies by directors Michel Gondry, Leo Carax and Bong Joon Ho. Similiar to other movies about big cities like Paris, I Love You, Tokyo! showcases the lonelier and darker part of the city and about the people.

Interior Design is the first of the three by Michel Gondry, who needs no introduction (Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind, Be Kind, Rewind (most LOLLL movie this year)). A couple is moving to Tokyo and temporarily staying with a friend. Akira is an aspiring film-maker who is very much in his own narrative world, while Hiroko (played by Ayako Fujitani, the daughter of Steven Seagal and his first wife, akido master Miyako Fujitani) is the supportive girlfriend who loves art and photography but is being called a girl with "no ambition" by her boyfriend. She begins to feel neglected by Akira, feverish in his artistic pursuit and looked down upon by her friend. Then... one day she wakes up to find a hole in her!

The poster has something to do with the ending. And I'm not telling you what! The second video, also the longest, is Merde by Leos Carax (Lovers on The Bridge). I really don't like this as it's the longest and grossest. I just don't enjoy farce, with a scary green suit, dunno what language he speaking, red beard, milky eye, black furry back, flower and cash eating crazy man. And how he bombs up Tokyo with grenades.

The green suit wearing picture of him gives me a nightmare. And it's not cute! That's why this picture is so small. The final video is my favourite, Shaking Tokyo by Bong Joon Ho (The Host) about a hikikomori and how he overcame his fear of contact with people and the outside world, because of his love for the pizza delivery girl.

Aoi Yu stars as the pizza delivery girl. She is stunningly Japanese.

Unreal. In other news, I'm looking for a blush that has NO glitter or shimmer, I'm now thinking I should go to Body Shop to look for one. Why is shimmer in blush... Gosh. We aren't kindergarten kids who need shiny face paint for their graduation recital. And I need an event for those maryjane heels!

// In other other news, Psapp is coming to Singapore! 14 March, 7.30pm & 10 pm.

5. Heelies

The other day SBC1 and I were completely impulsive and landed ourselves a pair of these. I must say we are extremely pleased with our purchase as its like a gorgeous affordable and stable pair of nude Mary Janes. Only $79 from Topshop!

Which brings me to this. If we should ever want to own a couple of luxury products in lifetime, it would be at least a pair of Loubs and a 2.55. And if I were to get Loubs, these are the ones I'd buy:

I know getting flats kinda defeats the purpose of getting Loubs. But really, all I want is a nice pair of loafers. Probably can get from Tod's or something. Bah. I'm sure SBC1 likes the first pair too.

Now, if you want to feed a fantasy and drool over things you can't attain (unless you, unlike us mere mortals, possess buckets of moolah), you can click here and lust.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

4. Natchan!

This is SBC1 reporting late, nonetheless still reporting. Today I introduce you to Natchan! Orange by Suntory. FYI, if you remember Bill Murry moodily filming the beer ad in Lost in Translation, the beer is Suntory Beer. Saan-tooo-rrrri. Suntory Limited is a Japanese brewing and distilling company. Established in 1899, it is one of the oldest companies in the distribution of alcoholic beverages in Japan. Suntory also appeared onscreen in Babel.

Natchan! Orange is celebrating its tenth anniversary this year and they have this anniversary packaging which includes a emoticon bottle cap, a (: that the picture has up there. It can be found in Meiyi-Da at Liang Court and this is my emoticon.

Angry frustrated face. They have 4 different emoticons, there are also the )': and (;
This orange bottle sits with me at work all day. So happy for a dreary rainy sucky day. Haha.

An annoyingly cute picture to end my first post,

3. Ringaling



And I found these on some style blogger's blog whose stuff I absolutely love. So you can click this too.

2. Nailis

I was complaining today about how the nail polish has murdered my nails, from a healthy pink it now has become this weird orangey rust colour and it really pisses me off because I can't paint my nails until they recover!

Oh the horror. If I paint them some more it'll just get more discoloured but now everyone will see my rusty nails. Stupid nail polish.

According to SBC1, she says that one should always always apply a base coat first, so as to prevent nails from being stained. I totally agree and I think you should take this Nail Tip of the Day, to try and keep those lovely nails of yours healthy.

Hopefully I can paint my nails by Sunday. Sniff.